

Parents & Caregivers

We have “RKF Pride Packs” for Douglas County area families with elementary age students.

Each RKF Pride Pack includes age appropriate inclusive story books, resources for parents/caregivers, stickers, and free student t-shirts. Click below to sign up for a RKF Pride Pack, join the RKF contact list, or request to talk to another RKF parent/caregiver.



Become your school’s RKF Champion

We have purchased enough Reading Rainbow books for all the Douglas County elementary schools and are looking for “RKF Champions” at each school to share the curriculum with other teachers. Each school champion will receive an adult RKF shirt (in pink, blue, or gray) and static stickers to identify safe spaces throughout school.  Additionally, RKF Champions will have access to the RKF library, where they can obtain inclusive storybooks, informative texts, and resources for school staff and students. Sign up below for an information session by clicking this link. 


Become a friend of RKF.

"Friends of RKF" contribute to the RKF Mission. Examples include ongoing partnerships, speaking at an event, helping with training videos, donating resources and time, or making a financial donation. If you are interested in knowing about other opportunities to get involved or about ongoing events, we encourage you to sign up!


Our Brochure

Download our brochure to share with your school or community!

Inclusive Schools

Check out our Inclusive Schools handout to learn more about what to expect at school and what questions to ask.